[Gfoss] VTP e Tavagnacco (UD)

Geo DrinX geodrinx a gmail.com
Mer 23 Gen 2013 09:58:23 CET


volevo segnalare questo messaggio della lista utenti VTP:

"good news from Tavagnacco, an italian city near Udine.

They are using Enviro

This is the video, transmitted by Rai 3 ( the official italian TV :)


What you see on the large touch screen monitor Enviro !

Ivano Sebastianutti has realized the BT model of all Friuli region.

The best compliments"

(  http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/vtp/message/6151  )

"For those who are impatient like me, Enviro appears roughly 2:10 into the
2:47 segment."


Quest'ultimo messaggio e' di Frank Warmerdam  :)


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