[Gfoss] Fwd: [okfn-discuss] Job openings at OpenForum Europe - internhip and junior policy analyst

Piergiorgio Cipriano pg.cipriano a gmail.com
Ven 28 Mar 2014 17:16:28 CET

Scusate OT e cross-posting
 ---------- Messaggio inoltrato ----------
Da: "Maƫl Brunet" <maelbrunet a gmail.com>
Data: 28/mar/2014 16:13
Oggetto: [okfn-discuss] Job openings at OpenForum Europe - internhip and
junior policy analyst
A: <okfn-discuss a lists.okfn.org>


Sorry if this is not appropriate for this list - if so please let me know
so I refrain from doing it in the future!
We are looking to recruit an intern and a junior policy analyst based in
Brussels, preferably with an interest in open source, open data, or related
movements. Further details here :



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