[Gfoss] dallo USEPA un caso di migrazione da proprietario a GFOSS

andrea giacomelli pibinko at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 22:19:52 CET 2007

Si tratta di BASINS.

Per chi non gravita su questioni di modellistica idrologica e
dintorni, in pratica una collezione di modelli e una collezione di
dati per analisi a scala di bacino, sviluppata dallo EPA americano.


1- ci sono utilizzatori di BASINS che ci leggono ? tanto per sapere se
qualcuno ha provato ad adattarlo a dati italiani.

2- Ero curioso di sentire la vostra su Mapwindow (www.mapwindow.org),
rilasciato sotto Mozilla Public License, che è stato scelto dai
manutentori di BASINS come alternativa a un noto prodotto desktop
proprietario per la nuova release del sistema

La release è di maggio.

un saluto

andrea, noto pibinko

da: http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/basins/basinsv3.htm

Originally introduced in 1996 with subsequent releases in 1998, 2001,
and 2004, BASINS is a multipurpose environmental analysis system
designed for use by regional, state, and local agencies in performing
watershed and water quality-based studies. This system makes it
possible to quickly assess large amounts of point source and non-point
source data in a format that is easy to use and understand. Installed
on a personal computer, BASINS allows the user to assess water quality
at selected stream sites or throughout an entire watershed. This
invaluable tool integrates environmental data, analytical tools, and
modeling programs to support development of cost-effective approaches
to watershed management and environmental protection, including TMDLs.

What's new in BASINS?

The most significant change in BASINS 4.0 is its use of open source
GIS software architecture. This open source GIS uses standard GIS
files (shapefiles, dbf, and GeoTiff) which can be easily shared
between other GIS software. BASINS 4.0 includes all of the
functionality of BASINS 3.1 except the AGWA and SWAT models. But
unlike BASINS 3.1, it provides the ability to quickly develop and
create "plug-in" functions to update or enhance the watershed analysis
process and monitor the environment.

BASINS 4.0 and BASINS 3.1 can co-exist under the same /BASINS/ folder
and still function properly. BASINS 4.0 includes all of the functions
of BASINS 3.1 except linkages to the AGWA and SWAT models.

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