[Gfoss] Google Earth Outreach

Piergiorgio Cipriano pg.cipriano at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 13:02:56 CEST 2007


L'altro ieri Google ha ufficialmente lanciato il programma di outreach di GE
... "a program designed to empower non-profit groups with the resources,
tools, and inspiration that they need to leverage the power of Google Earth
for their cause. This is where public service groups can find online guides
and video tutorials, inspiring case studies and a gallery of high-quality,
public-benefit KML. We are offering free Google Earth Pro licenses to
qualified non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations."

Personalmente credo che, al di là dei processi di standardizzazione in OGC,
questa sia un'ulteriore spinta verso la  "beatificazione" del KML.

Piergiorgio Cipriano
pg.cipriano a gmail.com
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